Feedback from passengers

The Airport Authority takes no responsibility for the content of messages posted here. This service is for the benefit of airport users who wish to express their views or share helpful information with each other. Questions or comments posted on this page will not receive a response from airport staff. To contact the airport please see the Contact page.

sofia teslo (Dubai)
Mon, 17 Jun 2024, 3:09 pm
VIP Lounge - cooperation proposal. is there a direct contact with the lounge our lounge manager?
Megaqstar Meagan
Thu, 15 Jul 2021, 9:47 pm
Is there a way to book a flight for someobdy else using the halifax card?
I need help to book one for Jermaine Jackson,he really needs t get back to Calabasas,CA sometime today
Bertha Rubio (
Tue, 3 Sep 2019, 1:32 am
Has this open been open for commercial flights this year at all?
Hamad (Italy)
Tue, 16 Oct 2018, 4:32 pm
Good Luck to all Yemenis
The country needs and deserve to be rebuilt by a new management team.
Jason (Monaco)
Sat, 19 Nov 2016, 6:18 pm
The airport is now closed due to fighting. I have hope for flights to commence during the ceasefire but that is not happening. Not good enough!! This is very inconvenient~!!
Shripsum (Hallo)
Sun, 3 Jan 2016, 2:32 pm
The airport was closed but silly airline gave tickets!
John Bullock (Australia)
Tue, 21 Jul 2015, 12:29 am
The cultural heritage and the difference from what is known to be the norm, is fascinating. The airport is currently closed because of Saudi bombs, but I wanted to write this review regardless.
Al-awlaki (London)
Sat, 30 May 2015, 9:45 am
It's a third world country, governed by tribal loyalty only so don't expect miracles from the airport. Us Yemenis and yemeni ex-pats can handle the bad attitude and the lack of professionalism from staff but it's the non-Yemenis I worry about. Yemen as a country was known throughout the ages to be one of the most hospitable nations, and this should start from the airport!!!! Thanks
Marco Di Bella (Italy)
Fri, 10 Apr 2015, 6:46 pm
This is the best airport ever, I lved the friendlyness of the people and it is very well organised. When will you open again? I want to fly to Sana'a and Socotra.
Thu, 2 Apr 2015, 4:42 pm
السلام عليكم..رأينا اليوم دخول الطائرات الروسية وإجراء الأجانب من مطار صنعاء رجاءا..حاولوا إحضار أحدى الطائرات اليمنية ومعاودة رحلات للناس الذين كانت رحلاتهم المقررة من الخميس الماضي إلى الآن ..أهاليهم قلقون من الأوضاع في اليمن...والله يحفظكم
Alwart Sam
Wed, 11 Feb 2015, 9:36 am
Please Yemenis live in peace, unity and justice and develop your country. Pleaaaaaaaaase.
Ahmed A. (Yemen)
Tue, 3 Feb 2015, 9:22 am
في الحقيقة انا سافرت من مطار صنعاء عام 2013 والأمس رجعت من ألمانيا وفي تغيرات لا بأس بها .. لكن في منظر مش تمام وهو ان المسلحين يتجولوا داخل المطار ..؟
نرجوا حل الموضوع ..

وكمان في اللي بيعملوا في حمل الحقائب من صالة الوصول الى صالة الاستقبال ..

يا ريت تعملوا لهم حل .. لانه معاي شنطة فقط 20 كجم .. ولازم هو اللي يشيلها وفي الأخير يطلب منك 10 دولار ..
Thu, 22 Jan 2015, 6:45 am
They need to put a smile on there face they look scary.when u hand them your passport.
بلاد واهيه (USA)
Fri, 16 Jan 2015, 1:02 am
مادام والازيود يحمكوا اليمن انسي ان هناك مستقبل فقط بلاد بلاد تحكمها عصابات
Hamza (من البلاد)
Mon, 22 Dec 2014, 6:34 pm
what I like most about sanaa is sanaa itself and what I hate in sanaa is the airport and its staff ... something must change ,, we can't keep on this way forever
A alhashimi (United Kingdom)
Sun, 19 Oct 2014, 9:46 pm
I wasn't to satisfied with the treatment I received at the airport!
It was my first time coming to Yemen besides that I have long
lost families over there, that I wanted to look up and I also went to
go and study arabic for 2 years. The moment I came of the airport
I went through the check point and my passport was taken away. A man without a uniform had just put it in his pocket and told me to sit down at that point I was very annoyed! I waited for 3 hours long. I kept asking for someone to speak to but they just told me wait in their broken english! Later on the manager had come to me and ask to show my face as I was wearing a face veil and on my picture I wasn't wearing a head scarf at all. Then he starts to ask wether I'm muslim or not personal things that was not his concern, I had kindly explained myself that I'm just here to visit family. I felt really uncomfortable because they had let everyone pass the check point except for me. A family friend of mine who is yemeni later on had payed them some money for me to come through! I'm not yemeni myself but I felt as though if I was yemeni it wouldn't have been a problem! Besides the bad treating of getting in and out the airport. I had a great experience in Yemen there's so much more hikma behind yemen itself I didn't know! Personally I would have loved to return to yemen one day, but getting there just seems like a myth! The airport needs to improve big time! With the character of the men and as to the way they treat foreigners. Character and manners means a lot I hope in time it improves and there's no more hustling people and you need to do something about those strange men trying to help with your luggage I really thought they were stealing my bag
Jojit (India)
Mon, 22 Sep 2014, 10:56 am
When is probability of Emirates flights to start from Dubai to. Sana plz inform
Robin Sajan (india)
Sun, 24 Aug 2014, 11:33 am
am from india am looking forward job in yemen, because my sister and his family is leaving their my professional qualification is administration.replay will be highly appreciable.
Adam James (England)
Wed, 11 Jun 2014, 11:14 pm
these comments from 2008 till today and the airport is still the same nothing has changed.

هذه التعليقات من 2008 وحتى اليوم والمطار لا يزال لم يتغير نفس شيئا.

don't understand why the manager is not doing anything about it

لا أفهم لماذا المدير لا يفعل أي شيء
ابن اليمن (YEMEN)
Thu, 15 May 2014, 9:19 pm
هل هناك مطار في العالم يظطر فيه ذوي المسافرين او مرافقيهم للبقاء في موقف السيارات حتى وصولهم او رحيلهم غير مطار صنعاء "الدولي"؟!!!
احمد عبد الوهاب (taiz)
Mon, 7 Apr 2014, 10:13 pm
الله يرضى عليكم انا خائف من القتل في بلادي هذه
منذ ما وصلت للمطار إلا وأنا هارب من القتل لتعز
Asim Alwleedi (Raimah)
Sun, 6 Apr 2014, 8:17 pm
change the security.... especially those who check passengers luggage. asking for money because i take with me two kilos Qat to India ... in India it is allowed...
Mohammed (Yemen)
Tue, 18 Mar 2014, 2:07 pm
زرت في الصيف بلادي اليمن قادما من دول الاغتراب كنت فرحان وسعيد اني بازور اهلي وناسي واني سوف القاهم بعد غياب طويل. طيلة الرحلة الطويلة كنت سعيد ومرتاح البال والحمد لله ولكن اول ما وصلت الطائرة مطار صنعاء تغير الحال.
اول ما تنزل من الطائرة ثم تطلع الباص الذي يوصلك للمطار تصاب بصدمة حضارية بمعنى الكلمة
اول ماتنزل من الباص وتروح اول صالة استقبال للمسافرين تتفجأ بمنظر كئيب وصالة كئيبة جدرانها متسخة قذرة حتى الوان الطلاء والرنج عليها قديم وعفى عليه الزمن وكأن مسألة اعادة طلاء هذه الصالة بالوان باهية وجديدة سوف يكلف الكثير . مدخل محلات ومطاعم حدة احسن بمليون مرة من مدخل هذه الصالة التي اول ما يجي مسافر يفتجع لما يدخلها.
وبعدين موظف الجوازات يعاملك بمهانة واحتقار وكانك خادم عنده مش كمسافر قطعت مسافات والالاف الكيلومترات. وحكاية تعبئة الاستمارات التي ما نشوفها الا في مطار صنعاء هذه عادها قصتها قصة
حتى الابتسامة ماتظهر عليهم ابدا ابدا.
وبعد مشارعة طويلة عريضة توصل محل استقبال الحقائب وهنا يتم مضايقتك من قبل الموظفين هناك وحتى لو معك شنطة صغيرة بتقدر تحملها بنفسك يجوا لاعندك ويصروا انهم يحملوها لك باسلوب همجي وغير حضاري.
حرررررررررررام عليكم تسموا هذا مطار دولي
Yemeni stuff (yemen)
Sat, 15 Mar 2014, 4:38 am
Actually , the problem not in air traffic services .main problem is with managers and chairman of sanaa airport and civil aviation authority.
As stuff we suffering from this currpttion and careless of leaders of civil aviation authority ..
We work hardly to provide services but our managers drive us to crazy ..sometimes we think they want accident at sanaa airport or at sanaa flight region. ... why .we don't know???
Farhan Baig (India)
Fri, 1 Nov 2013, 3:29 pm
Dear we require Arabic to Hindi/Urdu translator on our coming tour to Yemen.if you can please provide us a translator who can speak and understand Arabic Hindi/Urdu fluently.
ابو راشد العامري (dubai)
Sat, 12 Oct 2013, 12:26 pm
من المؤسف ان يمى مطار صنعاء مطار دولي لانه ليس هناك اي خدمات تقدم اول مطار لا يوفر عربات لحمل الحقائب الى كونتر الشيك ان فالحنالي يحمل الحقائب الى مدخل المطار وبعد التفتيش بالجهاز تعال دور شخص اخر يحمل لك الحقائب ويمكن تضيع الشنط وغير ذلك من السلبيات والاجراءات الامنية التي ليس لها داعي لو مسؤلي المطار يقومون بزيارة بعض الدول للتعرف على الاجراءات التي تتم عندهم ليتم تقليدهم افضل
Ann-Marie Tate (England)
Mon, 27 May 2013, 9:09 pm
Yemen, Sanaa Airport

The first time I've ever went to Yemen was in 2008. We just got back from a two week holiday in Dubai. Coming from Dubai to Yemen was a contrast. Yes the Dubai airport was up to date, modern, clean, all that you can desire when shopping e.g, MC Donal's and so on. But it was missing the one thing that money could not buy.Culture and character! which the Yemeni Airport still has. I lived in the UK all of my life and if i wanted the airport and country that i was visiting to be like Europe. Then i would of stayed here. Many airports try to compete with other airports in the west and lose culture and character in the process. The only thing that i would say is perhaps tackle the corrupt and bribery issue full on. Also to clean and tidy the Airport more.
Lori Hamilton (USA)
Thu, 21 Feb 2013, 6:35 am
I lived in Yemen for 10 LONG years. Putting aside all of the nice people that I had met, the Sana'a airport is a mess. Yes, it is so true that money talks and will get you just about anything. For example no non ticketed passengers are allowed beyond a certain point...well if the passengers are any of the faces on the US dollars that will work as I witnessed this first hand. Also I saw a foreign woman paying off an immigration agent to let her get on a flight without permission from her husband. Again, not all Yemeni people are corrupt and bad, but there are many!
Jack albala
Fri, 8 Feb 2013, 1:17 am
The worst airport ever:
It is a shame to call lit a bus station even , information is not there even your web site here not a sIngle phone number to contact . WC is very dirty , non profEssional at all . But it is the image of the country.
Irina Lomakina
Tue, 9 Oct 2012, 4:19 pm
Hello! I am very interested in traveling to your country. Your country is very beautiful.
I admire your architecture, culture, attractions, historic sites, nature, people! I very much like your airport!!! Your employees are the best professionals and experts in their work. I am your fan!!! I ask to send me your promo-production, any souvenirs. I really want to have your gifts!
My postal address: 432027 Rozy Luxemburg 5-61 Ulyanovsk Russia.
With love and best wishes, miss Irina Lomakina.
Heben Ezer (Jakarta - Indonesia)
Sat, 1 Sep 2012, 6:58 am
To : Person in charge for lost and fund items

Dear Sir/Madam...
I am travelling with Yamenia Airlines from Amman - Sana'a (transit) - Jakarta as a Tour Leader for Golden Moment Tour Jakarta Indonesia
24 Aug 2011 - Amman to Sana'a (transit overnight)
25 Aug 2012 - Sana'a to Jakarta...
On 25 Aug 2012, when we returned back from our hotel to Sana'a airport in the airport security check, one of our tour member has to clear one item that he carried...
Because it was little bit complicated, so, I assist to handle... while, in that moment, I also carried my cabin trolley bag...
By somehow, my trolley bag was miising when we are discussing about the item to let it released to be carried... I was lost my attention to my bag...
By mistake, my bag was taken by somebody else..
In the area, there is a bag was left unattendant, so... it might be somebody took it accidently (eventhough the bag was left in the area is not same size as mine...)

Anyway, dear Sir / Madam...
If there is (by fortune) any bag... cabin size... up-right troley case, black color with "Jack Niclaus" brand...
Would you please inform me to :, I will greatfully appreciate your kind help...

By the way, inside the bag are : clothing, laptop (and old one), a memory bank 250GB, some extention cables, etc...

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon...

Kind regards,

Heben Ezer
Fuad Nafdi (Tanzania)
Sun, 1 Jul 2012, 11:36 am
I travelled to yemen several times trough SIA i found that most of airlines officals at the airport are corruptive,when the passenger joins the long que with okeyed confirmed ticket and when you reach him he tells you the light is full you will have to beg him and roam aroun till you bribe him he gives you a boarding pass before flight nutes most of passengers mainly females suffers left without travelling while the plane leaves with empy seats.
This mainly happens to yemenese who are living abroad (Hadharims).
Sam shawish (Yemen)
Thu, 3 May 2012, 4:07 pm
It is true that the current Sanaa airport lacks some facilities found In other international airports, however, there is a new airport coming up soon that can compare to the rest of international airports in major cities.

You must keep in mind that Yemen is going through a revolutionary phase so do not expect much from the airport NOW. As soon as stability arrives in the country, Yemen will be back on track competing with the rest of the world.

I'm from Yemen and trust me, the current airport reflects nothing Yemen has to offer. Ive travelled a lot throughout my life and SIA is one of the best airports ive gone through in developing countries. (and yes I have been to Dubai, dc, Munich, Rome, bangkok, LA, new york, etc.)

Wait for the new sanaa airport. You'll be astonished :)
Subrata Chakraborty (India)
Sun, 8 Apr 2012, 7:09 am
I visited Sanaa recently for 3 days in April. The airport is not a very good one, but one has to remember Yemen is not a very developed country and there are disturbanced in the country. There are many such airports in the world. The security was reasonably good, I found the staff good and co-operative.
In this site I found many bad comments about this airport, I disagree with them.
Thu, 5 Apr 2012, 6:35 pm
james drumgold ( electronic technician radio," exp (New. Orleans, Louisiana 70058 USA)
Sat, 10 Dec 2011, 10:30 pm
I worked at the airport at the airport for the bendix company I worked at the airport tower to repair the HF Radio, and AIS transmitter and receiver site, with mr Mohomed alobaidy , mr. Monsoor,and mr.. mujaied alhadray, I enjoyed all of the friendly people, my name is mr jay Dee, best wishes to the people of yemen #0115043640392 new orleans Louisiana USA.
Fred Mcintosh (Scotland)
Thu, 17 Nov 2011, 2:02 pm
After 3 1/2 Years in Sana'a and using the airport both Private /Domestic and international the facilities are old well worn but the service was no different to many other countries. Avoid the toilets. The people in Yemen are friendly and helpful. Be polite and Treat them as you would like treated and there is no problem. Beware Some of the customs officials have been known to take boxes containing new Ipods etc and going to an office come back with box empty. Its a poor country but the people have pride. Give small tips to Porters if you use them. Same as supermarkets when boys take your groceries to car.
james drumgold (USA)
Thu, 20 Oct 2011, 6:18 pm
I am looking for Mr.Mohhamed YA YA Alobaiby, or Mr. Moonsor, who work at the airport,I am Mr JD.looking for my old coworkers.
Fowad saleh Saif (USA)
Sun, 18 Sep 2011, 8:45 am
The goverment of Yemen needs to do somthing about SIA. The Aiport is in very bad condition and needs to be upgraded to provided a wram and welcoming atmosphere. After all this is the gate of Yemen.
شوقي عبدالله العكبري
Thu, 18 Aug 2011, 6:40 pm
الفوضى و التسيب وضياع الامتعه هو مايميز مطار صنعاء. تخيل ان تضيع امتعك في رحلة داخلية من صنعاء الى المكلا ويمر على ذلك اكثر من شهرولا يتم عمل اي شي سوى البلاغات من دون اي ردود - هذا هو مطار صنعاء ..هل هذا مطار دولي
N. Hagos (Canada)
Mon, 25 Jul 2011, 4:45 pm
My name is N. Hagos a Canadian I used Yemenia Airline several time. Overall they have very good serves comparing to the big Airline companies with many years experiences and very good economical standing. The only one complain I have is in my way to Frankfurt from Sanaa on July 18 2011 on Flight IY 740 there was a hostess with name Dijiba she was very mean no smile at all one time she refused to a lady with a diabetes to use the washroom when everyone around the washroom shouted she let her go in I don't understand the reason she refused her even so everyone is moving in plane and a second time a child just over year old was walking around the same hostess again she pick the child with a shoulder and let her stand on the seat. I felt the child was in pain I helped her get off from the seat she run to her mother touching her shoulder. But like this would not stop me from using Yesenia Airline. I wish to all Yemeni people to have stable county before having stable and competitor Airline. Best wishes to All Yemeni.
Datuk Zulkarnin (Malaysia)
Sun, 10 Jul 2011, 1:39 pm
I am Malaysian. I have visited Yemen for the purpose of studying last year and I arrange to return back to Yemen. SIA must be improved from all sides such as ,services ,the infrastructure of the airport...etc . i hope soon the government will improve the airport or will build another airport because this airport reflect a bad picture and gate for Yemen, if my comment concern you, just improve everything then the people will flow to your country, my regards.
abdulla ahmed
Thu, 2 Jun 2011, 11:06 pm
Taddese (Ethiopia - currently in Dubai)
Thu, 26 May 2011, 3:17 pm
The beautiful people of Sana`a makes all the hassle worth it.
Habeeb (YEMEN)
Thu, 6 Jan 2011, 7:21 pm
spight I am one of the people who loves his own country.frankly speaking there is something must be said.(SIA)has no good servises governement must take into consideration that (SIA) is the gate of Yemen.
khaled ahmed (yemen)
Mon, 27 Dec 2010, 10:19 pm
السلام عليكم
بالله عليكم اتسمون مطار صنعاء مطارا دوليا
لا توجد فيه ادني خدمة للمسافرين او حتي للمنتظرين
المنتظرين يظلوا في الخارج بين البرد والشمس والريح لمدة ساعات
او بعد هذا كله تسمونه مطارا دوليا
اه اه اه اه
d.obad (USA)
Sat, 14 Aug 2010, 12:20 am
While the airport is in poor condition to say the least I found the employees to be helpful. I have been to this airport both inbound and outbound on 4 occasions from the USA. As long as you have money to pay the workers with you will have no problem. Hopefully the new airport will be opening before my next trip.
Captain ian Edwards (Dubai)
Fri, 16 Apr 2010, 4:59 pm
I am a pilot who has been in Sanna many times in last few weeks, the ATC service is excellenet, and process my Gulfstreeam very professionally. Yes it is a dual use airport, so what, the air shows are always welcome. There is always a storm in the afternoon, but apart from that great service.
Sammy (U.S.A)
Tue, 2 Feb 2010, 9:05 pm
Without a doubt one of the most dangerous and corrupt airports in the world, corruption is rampant and I came to the educated conclusion that manners and cleanliness is the least people should be worried about. The airport staff is for sale. I seen people accepting bribes for numerous favors from re-entering without security check, to actually watching an employee leave a door to a hangar open with the airline visible to the naked eye within 50 yards. I love Yemen, and I pray that they get there act together but as long as tribal loyalty continues to ruin the country no one is safe. I will repeat this again, the danger factor is very high there as sana'a international airport is filled with rogue corrupt elements. P.S I dont believe Al-Qaeda is in Yemen because after the flimsy security I saw there is no way Al-qaeda could not penetrate through the Sana' a Airport security and cause a huge tragedy if they wanted too. the Yemeni goverment needs to began putting people from non-tribal families in high ranking positions as they provide the most loyalty and will have only the government to answer too and not there sheikh or tribe.
Steven (USA)
Thu, 31 Dec 2009, 10:21 am
To those in the western world, Yemen is a country of poverty and it's citizens are suppressed do to tension caused by extremists. So would the airport be any different then any other 3rd world nation? Just expect the unexpected.
Sun, 13 Dec 2009, 6:23 pm
Please be informed and update your web page that Turkish Airlines also flying to Sana`a Int Airport 4 times a week.Thanks
Aref Bilal (Yemen)
Wed, 11 Nov 2009, 11:44 am
Everyone agrees the service is not good, the toilets are not good, the building is run down and the airport tax is a meager $17 (which nobody complains about) but some people come to my country and expect the same level of service as Orlando.

Unfortunately, the workers here don’t receive the same salaries as Orlando and when they can’t see the comparison, they LOOK DOWN on people working here and forget that THIS IS YEMEN and not where they came from.

Accepting the country for what it is and adding a genuine smile to your face will make you feel more welcomed and enjoy the start of your trip.

Always remember that a smile costs nothing but it is a form a charity that one human being can give to another.
K. Rogers (USA)
Sun, 11 Oct 2009, 3:59 am
'Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you'. Be considerate and kind to the people in Yemen and they will be nice and helpful in return. Remember you are in a third world country and therfore the condition of the airport is not the greatest. The restrooms unfortunately are less than pleasant and you'll be better off skipping them. Once you are bused from the plane to the airport, its helpful to have the correct amount of money to purchase your Visa. Then once you pass through immigrations to the baggage claim area, you will be hounded by porters to collect your bags. Even if you attempt to place your luggage on a cart yourself, they follow you and try to take over and sincerely try to help you. It is how they make money to live on. They may argue with you on the amount you give them but 300 to 500 R is about the going rate. The first time through...I wasn't sure how much to pay, so I gave each of the porters $10.00 each and they were THRILLED! Two months later, upon returning...they remembered me! The average income is approximately only $200.00 a help them out...and please treat them kindly.
Dick (UAE)
Sun, 26 Jul 2009, 5:10 pm
I am a pilot that has flown out of Sanaa on may occations and never have I have such poor air traffic control manners. The Sanaa airpot athority should sack every last one of the controlers in the Sanna tower. Or maybe better said they should remove the military controler that is in the tower so that civil aircraft are able to come and go with no horrasment. Yemen Airport Athorities need to get with the times. Where no longer living in the 20 century.
J Allen (USA)
Tue, 7 Jul 2009, 12:17 pm
This is a third world country, and so the airport is not going to be as big or as nice as one you might find in a more developed nation, however it serves its purpose. For the most part the general rules apply if you are nice to their staff, they will be nice to you! Most people in this country make five to ten US dollars a day there is no exception at the airport.

When arriving at the airport a bus will meet you at the plain to take you to the terminal. This is a dual use airport civil and military so you may see military aircraft around the airport. If you are caught taking pictures at the airport there may be issues just as if you where at any military installation in the world. Officials at the airport usually wear military uniforms and carry firearms. This is normal, as it is a military airport.

After you have gone through immigration, you will need to pick up your luggage. You may find some people 'guarding' the luggage carts in a uniform and they may ask you for money to use one. The use of the cart itself is free, but if you would like a porter to help with your bags, kindly tip him three hundred YER. This amount was on a sign in baggage claim.

Before you leave the arrivals hall, customs officials may inspect your luggage. Customs officers check almost everyone’s luggage closely for forbidden items like alcohol, firearms, narcotics, obscene literature, and pornographic materials. There is a green line and a red line; unless directed by customs authorities, proceed to the green line, which is located to the front right of the arrivals hall.

It is only after you leave the arrivals hall that the person collecting you from the airport will meet you, or you will be able to catch a taxi into the city. Current transport fares into town are around YR 2000 ($10 US). Personally, I like taking the Raha taxies because they are relatively new and clean. If you do not have local currency you can exchange money at the airport for reasonable rates.
G Hunter (Yemen)
Sun, 10 May 2009, 4:57 am
the service of the airport staff is very very nasty. They do not know how to treat a visitor who comes to the country specially those who sits out side where the bags come out. they are thieves. Anyone who is going there need to watch out. there is old man who works in the front, the animal is much better than him. another one is the young guy who act like he controls the world. he must be a son of a government or a son of one of those who have connection with the government. to make it short (Yemen, and yemeni people suck big time.
naji adam (um darman -sudan)
Tue, 6 May 2008, 12:53 pm
i am mr naji from sudan working with un organisation .
when i traveled back from sana'a i saw one man making trouble with passenger and when i asked the poeple aroung who is that person who make such noise with passengt they told me he is yemenia manager mr thawr and why u have such poeple in places like this in the gate of yemen ,, hope u success in your work .

Have you used Sanaa International Airport? Love it? Hate it? We welcome your reviews, questions, or comments about the airport. Your feedback, if suitable, will be published on this page for the benefit of other users.